About the Series:
Glee is a musical comedy television series that has been aired on Fox TV since May 2009 with a large and dedicated following. The plot circles around an ensemble cast of diverse and rather dramatic highschoolers and the adults in their lives as a group of misfits united by musical talent band together in the form of a Glee club under the direction of optimistic Spanish teacher, Will Schuester. The show just started it's third season and continues to have a massive viewer following as well as top selling music sales for the covers featured on the show. Costume designer Lou Eryrich was honored at last years Emmy awards with a design nomination.
Bright Pencil Skirts
Typical Features:
-No neutrals in the color palette, mostly pastels and brights
-High waisted, hem at the knee
-Matte fabrics (wool, cotten etc)
Embellished Cardigans
1. Debenhams, 2. Modcloth, 3. House of Frasser, 4. Debenhams, 5. Amazon, 6. The Limited
Typical Features:
-Embellishments (piping, trim, beading, ruffles etc)
-Cropped at the natural waist
-Worn buttoned up or open over a blouse
Girly Blouses
Typical Features:
-Fitted Bodice
-Neckline detailing (cute collars, bow ties etc.)
-Front button-up
Putting it Together:
Blouse: Dorothy Perkins, Skirt: Ruche, Cardigan: Amazon, Shoes: Steve Madden, Earrings: Warehouse, Bangles: Monsoon
Emma's style can be described as a feminine secretarial look. Her ensembles are often monochromatic, meaning she pairs different hues of the same color together in one look as shown above.
Some favorite accessories of Emma include:
-Girly high heels
-Chunky/Statement Jewelery
-Cardigan clips
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