About the Series:
Glee is a musical comedy television series that has been aired on Fox TV since May 2009 with a large and dedicated following. The plot circles around an ensemble cast of diverse and rather dramatic highschoolers and the adults in their lives as a group of misfits united by musical talent band together in the form of a Glee club under the direction of optimistic Spanish teacher, Will Schuester. The show is currently in its second season and continues to have a massive viewer following as well as top selling music sales for the covers features on the show. Costume designer Lou Eryrich was honored at this years Emmy awards with a design nomination.
Dainty Print Dresses
Typical Features:
-Slightly above the knee hemline
-Girly detailing (lace, ruffles, bows, etc)
-Small novelty print
Novelty Sweaters
1: Dorothy Perkins, 2: Urban Outfitters, 3: H&M, 4: Yesstyle, 5: Yesstyle 6: Urban Outfitters, 7: Modcloth
Typical Features:
-Fitted and lighter weight
-Cartoony print (updated "granny sweater")
-Long sleeved
School Girl Skirts
Typical Features:
-High waisted
-Mini skirt hem (hits mid-thigh)
-School girl details (pleats, plaid, buttons, etc)
Putting it Together:
Rachel Berry is notorious for an updated school girl look. Tuck a novelty sweater into a high waisted skirt.
Some favorite accessories of Rachel include:
-Knee high socks
-Dainty flats
-Bow headbands
-Skinny belts (at the waist)
What did you think of this post? Thoughts on the new format? Have a suggestion for a show or movie you'd like me to cover? Is there anything else you'd like to see in the posts? Let me know by leaving a comment!
love the new format! keep it up!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. I like seeing several different looks together that you did on the old format but I like how you have pulled together key parts of the look in the new format.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing whose look you recreate next.
Thanks for the feedback!
ReplyDeleteI thought that people might like to see more options so they could possibly find something they liked!
I don't really keep up with Glee, but when I do see an episode, I like seeing what every character wears, especially Rachel. I find that she has a more modern take on the preppy look, and I love that she incorporates lots of color.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I love this format with lots of different options for each key piece, I think it really helps give a good idea about the character's style.
I wouldn't buy anything that Rachel does exactlyy, but I do love her style and there are some elements in it that I would wear, great post :). Maybe you can do a post on Naomi Watts' wardrobe in King Kong or Keira Knightley's in Atonement.